Home Book review Book review: How to write Non-fiction by Joanna Penn 

Book review: How to write Non-fiction by Joanna Penn 


How to write non-fiction is a book for writers that are beginners but also for those who want to learn more about writing a non-fiction book. 

The author, Joanna Penn, is a well-orientated author and independent publisher that has written several books about writing and publishing. She has also written a bundle of fiction books under the name J.F Penn. 

How to write non-fiction is divided into five parts, and it starts with the mindset you need to have before you start writing. Followed by business thinking and how to reach the readers. Part three is about writing and editing. And part four is about how you create the product and the different ways of publishing it. The last part is about how you marketing non-fiction. We can see that the parts cover the entire process. 

Throughout the book, you understand that Joanna Penn is a businesswoman. Her entrepreneurial view of the book business is there all the time. It is more of a concept of making business, building a brand and an author’s platform or, as Penn call it, an ecosystem around the author. 

The book is divided into small sub-chapters with around five pages of text and ends with some questions the reader can ask themself, and a list of resources that are often linked to Penn’s own books and ecosystem. 

So do not be misled by the title, How to write non-fiction, I think you have a brilliant use for the book, but if you are looking for a book with a focus on the writing process; how you structure the book and more text related ideas, then you might look for another book. 

I will say the title for this could be more pointed to the entire process from the point you start to think about writing a nonfiction book until it is on the market